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[Top Author Series] How to Create Your Breakthrough Idea with Dorie Clark, Author of “Stand Out”

[Top Author Series] How to Create Your Breakthrough Idea with Dorie Clark, Author of “Stand Out”

Dorie’s new book, “Stand Out” is about building your personal brand in a way that gets you the attention and focus you need in order to move your projects forward. She’s become an expert at it, especially since she’s done that very thing for her own brand. In this conversation she shares a few of the ways she went about doing that, from her first efforts at getting her writing published on big name blogs, to submitting book proposals to publishers, to leveraging her books once they were published to build her email list into the tens of thousands. Dorie unloads a lot of stuff for us, so be sure you take the time to listen.

Click to Watch...Coming Up With Your Breakthrough Idea