Ran Korber
yeah. So I just, you know, I checked online. What can help people that are unable to breed with zomato or walking with leading pharmaceutical companies like AstraZeneca and lk and resume? So we are very familiar with the treatment that companies provide to COPD patient and asthma patients. And based on my research, based on my experience, a I approach one of the medical devices, companies that can that manufacturer oxygen generators, I rented it for 100 bucks per month.
Jeremy Weisz
Wow. No, I was working way more than that.
Ran Korber
Yeah, it’s, you know, it’s not that costly. It cost about $1,000 to acquire it. And if you want to rent it, it’s about $100 per month it from the moment I call the sales person, to the moment the oxygen generator was at my house, it took 30 minutes. Wow.
Jeremy Weisz
30 minutes.
Ran Korber
Yeah. Those companies are used to work with hospitals and emergency unit. So they have great customers experience. And from the moment I started monitoring the oxygen level and started using the oxygen generator. This is the moment I start the healing process. One day after using the oxygen generator, I could walk I could speak again. Wow. And three days afterwards, I was totally recovered. And that was great.
Jeremy Weisz
That’s amazing. Because you know, what’s what’s scary is, you know, you have a background in this and you have the wherewithal to find it. And most people don’t are in that range of, well, I’m not quite ready to go to the hospital, but I’m really it’s really hard to breathe. So um, so thanks for sharing that. You should you should that should be like a blog post and BreezoMeter is like how I survived COVID. And here are like the five steps. But talk to people what is what was the original idea for BreezoMeter what what do you do?
Ran Korber
Yeah, so the original story of a founding BreezoMeter also his personal story of mine. So first of all, I’m environmental engineer. Besides being a covered survivor, I’m an engineer,
Jeremy Weisz
well choose your LinkedIn instead of CEO and co founder examiner just called survivor.
Ran Korber
So so I am environmental engineer, I studied Environmental Engineering at the Technion, which is kind of the Israeli MIT for almost 10 years. And I also worked a, I also worked for almost a decade, in one of the biggest chemical companies in the world Israeli Chemicals, I was in charge of reducing all the environmental effect, the environmental impact of manufacturing chemicals in chemical in Israel chemicals, and in 2012, after walking for 10 years, at ICL. Meanwhile, my wife finally saved enough money to buy our first house. My wife is asthmatic, and at that time, she was pregnant with the first job. As an environmental engineer. I knew that short term exposure to air pollutions short term it’s
Jeremy Weisz
interesting around that she’s asthmatic. Yeah, she didn’t have a severe case, which I would expect the opposite I was for you that you did not have a severe case
Ran Korber
Yeah, the reason is that I had a cold when I got infected with gum. I didn’t plan to have a covid when I got the cold. So I was more vulnerable at the point of time when COVID hit us.
Jeremy Weisz
Yeah. So you’re looking for a house? She says.
Ran Korber
Yeah, so So again, it’s also thanks God that you didn’t have to feel symptoms because otherwise that could have been a quite different adventure. So so she is asthmatic. She was pregnant with her first child as an environmental engineer, and I knew that short term exposure to air pollution can increase the risk for premature birth. And kids the risk for having an asthma attack that might risk Care and the baby. And of course, I wanted to protect my wife, I wanted to protect my family. And what we decided is that we will also try to understand what is the air pollution in different location wells, we are buying a house. And surprisingly, there was no information which we could use. And again, I’m environmental engineer at that time I work in a big chemical company. I, my colleagues are people, officials that are working in the ministry of environmental protection. And I contact them with a very simple question. Where is the cleanest place to live? In Israel? Enough of his Well, there was no answer. And what we decided mean, my confounders Emil Fisher and Ziv Lautman, we decided that we will take this project, and we develop very sophisticated algorithms that are capable of forecasting and monitoring air pollution globally. And from that story, of course, zomato was founded.
Jeremy Weisz
So originally, what was your thought about the product? Or who are your clients, customers we’re going to be?
Ran Korber
Yeah, so what we learned very, very early stage, basically, while still developing the first algorithm to allow me to choose the best cleanest place to live. What we learn is that evolution is not only a challenge in Israel, it’s a short challenge globally, in almost every major city, around the world, whether it’s in the United States, in Europe, in Asia Pacific, there are toxic pollutants in the air. And this challenge is actually so huge, that according to the World organization, air pollution is the single biggest environmental health crisis that we face today, which is linked to the death of more than 7 million people every year. And more than 90% of the world population is at risk from breathing those chemicals. And due to climate change, actually, those environmental hazards, this air pollution is becoming even worse, for example, the wildfires in California that emit a lot of pollution. So what we decided very early on at zomato, is that if we go on this journey, if we take this big step and live our daily jobs, our secure deadly job, we will do it in order to really help improve the health of those billions of people who might be exposed to environmental hazards. At BreezoMeter, we understood that we need to establish a team and we established a team of experts in the fields of atmospheric science, environmental engineering, that works together with experts in the field of AI and machine learning and Big Data. And by combining these skills and technologies, we are we will able to develop those very sophisticated machine learning algorithms that can provide the most accurate micro local air quality forecasts and insights. And then there is the challenge of really approaching those billions of people obviously, approaching and assisting billions of people. It’s very challenging. What we decided very early on is that the best way to reach those billions of people as fast as possible is by joining partnering with leading brands that have solutions to protect people from air pollution, healthcare companies that have medical devices for example asthma inhalers, or medicine to treat a people that are allergic to pollen or a companies that have skincare products to protect the health the effect of air pollution on the skin. So a Mongo customers of some of the leading brands, you mentioned a few L’Oreal Dyson Amway, AstraZeneca, Bosch, Unilever, to name those few. And thanks to all customers, every day, almost 100 million people can have access to very accurate air quality forecasts together with insights on how to avoid this air pollution and how to make informed decision informed action to improve their health and reduce the risk from those pollutants
Jeremy Weisz
Ran let’s say, you know Bosch, pre being working with them. They’re like, okay, Ran, we’re interested. How does it work? How does it work to integrate with a Bosch
Ran Korber
So, because we with BreezoMeter. One, we believe that people should have access free access to air quality information. Our air quality information for people is free and available in our website or apps but For companies that want to use our solution in their product, we have an API. And those companies license our API pay us to have access to our API, which allow them to integrate our forecasts into their product. And among our customers, what is all common with L’Oreal and Bosch and Dyson, and Amway and AstraZeneca is an Weatherbug. For for example, is that all those companies have solutions have services, to protect people from those environmental hazards. And by showing our forecast, they notify their users or the patients in the case of healthcare companies like as authentic and resume, whenever it’s the right time, and the right place to use their services that have devices in order to protect them themselves and reduce the risk of having those respiratory symptoms.
Jeremy Weisz
What would be an example of a product that whatever product, it would be a boss, you only have a product that has the API integrated, just from like the user perspective, the user may not even know it’s in there, I imagine right? Or would that
Ran Korber
if they if they will look, they will see that the data is followed by BreezoMeter, every one of our customers are obligated to provide attribution to BreezoMeter. showing that the data is folder was BreezoMeter. Not everyone really acknowledged that and recognize that. So a great example is, is Popular Health by resume. So a propeller health is a startup that was recently acquired by resume which is a California based medical equipment company, with about 2 billion of annual revenues, and resume primarily developed cloud connectable medical devices for the treatment of asthma, COPD, and other respiratory conditions, and BreezoMeter insight engine power propeller app to provide very highly personalized predictive service that notify asthma and COPD patients whenever their personal asthma forecast might be pulled. And this notification is based on their own history of symptoms and medication usage, along with BreezoMeter environmental forecast our air pollution forecast our polling forecast, and the user basically get those real time notification on the right time to use the asthma inhaler or another device by resume in order to manage symptoms to reduce the risk of having those respiratory symptoms.
Jeremy Weisz
So it’s giving them an alert. Basically, all these factors are going to show you you know, you may be at risk here, because there’s pollen, there’s fires around the air quality is poor. So just be on the lookout to possibly to possibly use this.
Ran Korber
Exactly, exactly. Another example, in the fields of allergies have seasonal allergies. And as you know, it’s also a growing concern for many for many Americans. Last year alone, there were almost 17 million seasonal allergy sufferers that took some sort of medication in order to reduce the symptoms and manage their allergies. So lk is a pharmaceutical giant with sales of about $3 billion based in in Denmark. And they are using our air quality and pollen forecasts in their app, which is called Clara to create a personal exposure lock. Using our API, they created this user experience in the consumer app when users can learn about the link between air quality and their allergies in a format that is intuitive and relevant for them. And they offer personalized recommendation to address the allergies before the symptoms can be experienced using their medication using other devices or other products by other companies which they partnered with for example, they they also recommend purchasing an air purifier, and so forth.
Jeremy Weisz
You know what’s interesting is if they go someone goes to your website, you could see a live mash run of like for instance, the you know, the fires API, and you can go in California, there’s like a heat map there. And you can kind of click in, you can click around in different areas and find out the air quality. That it’s pretty, pretty interesting. Now, I’m curious, you know, what uses Have you found for the company and the technology that maybe when you think first started, you had no idea this is what it be used for.
Ran Korber
So the our, you know, I think our biggest surprise was walking with skincare companies, for example, among our customers is climbing slowly al Dermalogica which is one of Unilever brands, you need to understand this is something very interesting. Air Pollution is accelerating almost every disease. Basically, when we are discussing about air pollution, those pollutants sometimes are so small, they can enter into our bloodstream and from there they can go to the entire body, accelerating almost every disease and there is a link between air pollution to almost every disease to obesity, to melt mental illness to a being tired to read read that reduced IQ to almost every disease and also air pollution is also have negative impact on our skin. It’s increased skin pigmentation, it’s increased skin aging, which is like a trillion dollar market. And those companies developed products to protect people’s skin from the urban environment. And low alpha example has several apps one of those apps is my skincare by lol which recommend the user which product by the well they should use based on BreezoMeter forecast and they have different sets of four decks which is a very personal to your type of skin and also taking into account the environment that you might be exposed.
Jeremy Weisz
Yeah, I would not have guessed, you know BreezoMeter skincare company that would be my first the Bosch the Dyson like, you know, their you know, junk carpeting you know, figuring out the the impurities in you know, kind of the air and in the floor. But yeah, I did not picture the skincare companies.
Ran Korber
Yeah. So, you know, when also if you try to have more high level view on that, and by the way, john, my dad by L’Oreal is my skin track just to say the right name. So so if you if you have I’ll I view, we all understand that the weather impact our health. And we obviously you made it in UV impact our health as well as the skin health, of course UV. So it’s quite understandable and intuitive that also air pollution in Poland might impact people health and people that suffer from those seasonal allergies surely suffer from that they don’t only suffer from fatigue, and they don’t also only suffer from sneezing they sometimes suffer from those skin pigmentation skin irritation. And then then those companies have they’ll protect to protect you. In those cases, whether it’s protecting your skin protecting your lungs, and making you more healthy.
Jeremy Weisz
How is COVID in the kind of that pandemic increased the awareness in conversations with certain companies that maybe wouldn’t have gotten in front of if it weren’t COVID? But now they’re paying attention to it. Has that happened for you?
Ran Korber
Yes. So obviously coffee does impact people health. This is why I’m coughing and it is impacting their respiratory system. What many research researchers have found out a for example, however, scientists found out that is an increase in air pollution is associated with an increase of almost 10% in the COVID-19 death rate. And air pollution is a major factor in the risk to have severe symptoms like I had. And there is also a great overlap between the sensitive groups that in most risk from COVID. And the sensitive groups are at risk for air pollution, for example, asthma, and COPD patients. And from marriage and from Apple. Basically, we experience a surge in demand for our solutions specifically from those healthcare companies, whether it’s pharmaceutical companies, medical devices, companies, or companies that have developed digital solutions for the healthcare a market. According to McKinsey, you probably saw this report according to McKinsey, the telehealth market might be grow, might go to a market of over 200 and $50 billion industry US alone due to COVID. So there is a great demand for our solution in those markets specifically now, because of COVID. At those times when people are more concerned about the health at those times, when people are more concerned about what we are breathing, the awareness about, about air pollution and pollen and other environmental hazards increasing.
Jeremy Weisz
So for typical user, not a Bosch, Can people download an app? Or what what should a typical person like me do? Go to your site? And what should I do? Or go to my app or phone? What should I do?
Ran Korber
Yeah, so you can download the app for free for you know, whenever you have an Android or iOS device. And once once you download the app, you will get real time notifications on air pollution events that might risk your health or your loved ones, health at specific locations, which you can which you set which can be your children’s school, your parents house, your house, and so forth, you will get alerts not only on high levels of air pollution, you will also get alert about files, which you know, is very important. Specifically, if you live in areas like in California or people that live in Australia or in Israel, it won’t areas. So you also get those alerts, At BreezoMeter we are trying to save people lives, as well. You will also be able to see the pollen forecast and plan ahead in case you are you suffer from seasonal allergies. And basically you can use that to improve your health, something very important about those environmental hazards. So on the one hand, those are probably the biggest challenges humanity is facing. And that’s not enough those environmental hazards most of the time are invisible. I’m obviously not the files. But pollen and air pollution are most of the time invisible most of the time you can see them, most of the time you can smell them, you obviously can’t hear them or touch them. And for us humans, it’s very hard to avoid something or take action against something we’re not able to detect with our senses. And this is where BreezoMeter to come in and make the invisible visible by providing those forecasts. And fortunately for us, the solution to protect ourselves from those environmental hazards are very simple. Once you acknowledge the air pollution that you are, you’re exposed to, you can take those very small informed action, for example, close the windows, for example, turn on their Wi Fi or buy an air purifier and turn on their profile. You can choose the cleanest park to take your kids outside you can choose the cleanest route to do outdoor activity jogging. You can choose the cleanest place to buy a house and and so forth. And by that you can improve significantly your health and against not taking to coffee that was never sick. Coffee is a different topic. Of course,
Jeremy Weisz
yeah. You know, I want to hear about Ran, who should be using it what companies to be using that are not that they should be thinking about integrating with you. But I’m just going to show like I don’t know if anyone could see this. If you’re watching the video I download I download the app and you can see where I am it says 72 usually at this time, but moderate it’s 58. So and then there’s a bunch of other features here like the pollen count and the and the weather and everything like that. So it’s kind of interesting. Yeah, the but who should we use? What company should be looking to integrate with you to provide this data for people?
Ran Korber
Yeah, so you know, generally speaking, and you know, everyone so we are always within and the air that we breathe, always have an impact on our health, and it should be on top of mine, whatever you’re doing, specifically now. Our main focus is the healthcare segment and specifically companies that have products to protect people from respiratory symptoms. A another a market of companies in that manufacturer age vac or lpo files, all companies that have other services to protect people for air pollution. We are also we also have some customers in from the mobility market automotive company. Yeah. So
Jeremy Weisz
that’s what I was actually, when you when I was asking that My mind goes to something like that like automotive because I feel like they’re able to get a lot of different data when they move around. So, you know, you can gather a lot of data if it’s in a car over a period of time. I mean, I guess, you know, maybe Wazes just integrate with you. And that way when someone downloads the Wazes that’s just on people’s phones, and they’re driving.
Ran Korber
Yeah, I definitely agree with that. I thought that too, we live in. So maybe, maybe, maybe in the future, so. So yeah. When when you’re driving your car, and people that, you know, it’s now that I will say that it will look intuitive, but people sometimes forget that when you’re driving in your car, you’re actually exposed to the most harmful air pollution ever, because you’re literally within the exhaust of the car in front of you. And at the same time that you are exposed to those very dangerous chemicals. Actually, you know, it’s very simple to take some action and make sure you’re protected because in every car, there is an air purifier in every car manufacturer from 2014. For example, in every car, there is an age HVAC system that can filter most of those particulate matters most of the traffic related pollution. Also, air pollution is very dynamic, it can be completely different every few meters, and can be also completely different every few minutes or a couple of hours. So when you’re driving your car, you can plan ahead your route. In order to avoid those dangerous chemicals you can acknowledge what will be the air pollution forecast in your destination in my change the destination will change the route. So actually, you have many actions that you can do in order to avoid air pollution. Another thing relates to air pollution and automotive is that air pollution and pollen, when you’re driving are not only health risk, they’re also safety risk, it has been scientifically proven that air pollution have been exposed to air pollution being exposed to Paul in can increase the risk of having car accident because you you know you’re more tired, you are less concentrated, your IQ drop because of those chemicals that enter into your bloodstream and into your brain. And therefore you are more at risk to have a car accident. So it’s a big big challenge. And there is a solutions because of the air purifier in the car and all the actions that that you can take and this is why among your customers also automotive companies for example data.
Jeremy Weisz
Yeah, so Tesla would be a good type of partner.
Ran Korber
Definitely, definitely we don’t biohazard mode. Definitely.
Jeremy Weisz
Um, well, I’m curious just personally for you, Ran, what are health apps that you like? So obviously you have the BreezoMeter app on your phone, what other what other apps do you use? from a health perspective? Yes, or none health even but I started with health. Productivity as a busy founder.
Ran Korber
So you know, we we you know, the great advantage of working at BreezoMeter is that you are exposed to all those services and and products that can help you better manage your health. So I’m a big fan of the Dyson Air Purifier and and the Blue Air by Unilever air purifier which is of course powered by our solution so whenever the air quality outside might be substandard. Using a forecast the Dyson air purifier or the blue air purifier don’t automatically so basically you need to buy their purifier connected to a Wi Fi move it to auto mode and you are protected you are becoming the hero of the house because the entire family will be protected and you get those forecasts in their apps. I also I also like a lot AllTrails for for hiking, what is it gone. All girls okay is for hiking it’s work. It’s a it’s a great app globally. It’s a it’s a it’s an American company, but the apps is available the global integrate app for do outdoor activity healthy outdoor activity. They of course also one of our customers and and whenever you want to choose the the hiking route, they allow you also to take into account the Pollen forecast their pollution forecast, they will give you alerts in the case of fires. Obviously you don’t want to Go into a fire.
Jeremy Weisz
Just want to know a bears. That’s
Ran Korber
that’s also a big health and safety. Exactly
Jeremy Weisz
like third on my list to bear and fire. Yeah,
Ran Korber
yeah and you know walking with my logic I know Well, I learned a lot about how the environment impact our skin and and you know skin pigmentation and skin irritation, it’s sometimes look like a minor problem and but remember that when you have this very small health problem, that’s the only thing you can think about all day long. So if you have a solution for that, and L’Oreal and Dermalogica have very nice and not so expensive solutions. Suddenly, you know, your your skin is more healthy. And, you know, basically have a better life.
Jeremy Weisz
Yeah, so AllTrails you have a Dyson app, what other apps any other health apps that you use?
Ran Korber
And, you know, for running? I like also Runtastic Runtastic Okay, yes, by Adidas, okay. They were recently acquired by Adidas, right? Yeah, yeah.
Jeremy Weisz
Um, just just repeat again, the Dyson what are the air purifiers you recommend that are powered by BreezoMeter just for I wrote down this specific model of Dyson, or
Ran Korber
Yeah, so. So a Mongo lpo file customers, Unilever, and Unilever one of their brands is Blue Air. Yeah, that manufacturer those lpo files, and
Jeremy Weisz
before and after will be cool with the app. Like before you get it right, you put the app on you detect it and then afterwards, like if you go on your you know, solutions, air purification Smart Home page on BreezoMeter. Everyone could go on BreezoMeter.com And they have you know, solutions tab, which goes to air purifiers, and you kind of see air pollution, the pollen, there’s like a heat map. It’s kind of interesting, as far as, you know, what will be the before and after you actually install on these things. Right?
Ran Korber
That the before and after ones? Yeah,
Jeremy Weisz
like, yeah, yeah, you have the app, and then you install it? Um, because I’m looking on it. It’s like living room. 92. Yeah, exactly. And outside, it’s like eight out of 100. So
Ran Korber
Exactly. Yeah, exactly. So Dyson, call it the clean effect. So once you purchase the air purifier, you need to remember that that pollution is invisible, you might be experiencing bad symptoms, fatigue or respiratory symptoms because of air pollution, but you can see their pollution. So in the dice on app or the blue air app, you can you can see the outdoor air pollution, which can be sometimes a high air pollution levels. But once you turn on the air purifier, you will see that in your house, the air pollution is becoming better, their quality is becoming better, right. So then you have disclaimed affecting which you see that outside, their pollution levels are high, and inside, you’re protected and their quality is good. And then you can really understand the value of the $500 $400 device that that you bought. And obviously that give you the acknowledgement and and actually wants to use it more you become the hero of the house, you want to do you want to make sure that you have LP fire in every bedroom, to protect the kids protect the yard, your loved ones. And this is exactly this is exactly one of the advantages of using our solution. Within those products,
Jeremy Weisz
I want to buy it right off your site. I don’t think you
Unknown Speaker
Jeremy Weisz
me cuz it makes me You know, it makes me think, you know, run really, if some if a company is going to invest in the technology and care that much to you know, incorporate that then it’s they’re going to want to make a high quality product in general, you know, just tells me something about their mission and their purpose. And not just that but like what they’re willing to do to go the extra mile because they don’t have to do that. But they choose to because it’s it’s going to help the consumer and it’s actually monitoring things. So I’m just I’m on I’m giving you feedback I want here is what we’re powered by so I can click purchase that actual air purifier from Dyson’s I know it has your technology in it that’s going to measure things. I think right now I can’t do that right.
Ran Korber
Now for now for now. No. And maybe maybe in the future, maybe it’s a it’s a it’s a possibility. In the future, but you’re actually right, you know, in the sense of the value that we provide to our customers, we enabled those manufacturers to create a more personalized customer experience, which allowed them to increase sales, increasing engagement. And when you increase engagement with those products used for people health functional,
Jeremy Weisz
yeah, because no, I have to hunt around online to find those products.
Ran Korber
I get them from my house, it’s easy Dyson.com you will get it ASAP.
Jeremy Weisz
No, I want to go to your site. Um, you know, talk about the team, you know, creating a team like this and taking, like amazing data scientists, like actual scientists away from whatever they were working on and bringing them on board.
Ran Korber
Yeah, so as I mentioned, we establish a team of experts in the field of atmospheric science, environmental engineering, that works together with experts in the fields of big data, machine learning and AI. And by combining those skills, we can provide the most accurate micro local quality, focus and insight. And it’s, it’s quite interesting. Basically, those team of experts came from all over the world, our chief scientist used to work at NOAA, before joining a BreezoMeter. Recently, we, we recruited another scientist that came from Germany that had a lot of experience about atmospheric science and air pollution dispersion algorithms. And what is actually very interesting is that the environmental engineers, the atmospheric scientists that work at BreezoMeter, little by little from, you know, after walking for a couple of years zomato they become more like an algorithmic engineers, like a software engineers. And the software engineers learn so much about air pollution and atmospheric science, and air pollution, dispersion, and, and weather that they become sort of experts in the field of atmospheric science. And it’s great to see how those different skills merge to create those amazing products.
Jeremy Weisz
How did you meet your co founder Emil Yeah.
Ran Korber
So Emil is one of my best friends we met. For the first time in the age of 14, in high school in Kenya, which is a city near Haifa. Hey, Emil was a my best men. When I got married. We were, you know, at the same time in the army, were at the Technion at the same time, but while I studied environmental engineering, Emil studied software engineering, and actually, it’s a very interesting story. So at the beginning, it was me and zip. Ziv is another is also an environmental engineer is now doing his PhD in Stanford. And we realized very early on that we need a software engineer, to feel the team and really to develop the technology because we had those algorithms, but the algorithms weren’t scalable enough to create a real product that can be used by millions of people. So basically, what we did is we, we wrote, what can be the perfect CTO, the perfect co founder, the perfect software engineer that can join as a co founder and CTO for the company and we list there was a like a very long list of like 40 A criterias that we are looking into this perfect man. And once we finish reading that I said, I met I know this guy, Emil is my best friend. Hmm. And I forged Emil, luckily for us, Emil was also super excited about the product, Emil is also asthmatic, so I you know, he’s also very passionate about helping other asthma patients, and he joined the team.
Jeremy Weisz
You Ran I want to first of all, thank you I have two last questions but I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge and for what you do you know, it’s not a it’s not a easy undertaking to do this, you know, and so, everyone I want to encourage them to check out BreezoMeter.com BreezoMeter.com download the app on your phone, whether it’s iPhone, Android, um, one of the few Android users right now. So check it out. Um, two last questions I always ask is, is inspired insider is one, what’s been a challenging point, a low moment that you had to push through? Because, you know, as you know, like, running companies starting a company is a rollercoaster it can be and then to what’s on the flip side been, you know, a proud moment. So maybe start with a challenging time.
Ran Korber
Yeah, so I think this year actually gave me both the challenging times and the times that I’m most proud of. So at the beginning of marriage, like everyone else, we recognize the market downturn. And like almost every company at that phase, except maybe zoom, we started working on a contingency plan to face this challenge. The plan had, you know, some guidelines, which are obvious, for example, remote walking and business continuity, taking into account that we need to work from home. And at the same time, we also realized that the world is changing quickly. And while you know, reducing the budget reducing expenses, we also need to think about what can be the next opportunity for us, our compass, the company was always to invest in people and to improve people’s health. Therefore, we decided, and that was a very challenging time, we decided that whatever we do, we will not let go, even one of the team members, but we didn’t had an enough sufficient cash flow for, you know, 18 months or and at that time, we didn’t know how much time this challenging this challenge will, will be. So that was quite a challenge, you know, we I face down some some pressure from you know, both members, maybe, you know, ask people to live a, and we really believe you know, that those critical times, this is the time when your culture is really built. And we also believe that in the New World, Brazil motto has a big palette, because from day one, we will focus on improving people health and this pandemic is not only economic challenge, it’s mainly health a health challenge. So obviously, we have a role in the new world in this challenge. Luckily, for us, we found a way we realized that COVID, that air pollution is increasing significantly COVID-19 death rate is increasing significantly, the risk of COVID-19 severe symptoms, and we allocated our resources to focus on helping those healthcare giants to protect people to provide recommendation for those sensitive groups that are at risk from COVID on how to improve their health by taking into account the outside environment. And we have grown and and I’m happy that to say that now we are growing the team, we are recruiting people, they we increase the revenues, and all in terms of every SAS metrics, this is our best deal so far. So for those very challenging times, actually. We are now experiencing some of our best times in terms of in terms of the business. And and I’m very proud to say that we overcame it with the same team and everybody are more motivated and more passionate than ever.
Jeremy Weisz
I want to be the first one to thank you on everyone, check out BreezoMeter.com and thank you again.
Ran Korber
Thank you so much